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Timelines for the Future

Christine Howard Sandoval

8 January – 21 February 2021

We already know where we exist in the land, how we have remained for thousands of years in the place of our ancestors. We are rising from the ground and literally toppling colonial structures and their monuments to genocide. The seeds of our future have always been alive and present and are growing into visible manifestations of what we know to be the truth.
Christine Howard Sandoval


Christine Howard Sandoval’s practice revolves around the embodied act of walking on sites of precarious and contested land. Negotiating the material contours of urban and rural landscapes, their inherent layers of human memory, and their political and ecological stakes in the present, she seeks to unlearn things as they are. Through sustained artistic research, and working with video, drawing, and sculpture, she forges future imaginaries of place that emerge from competing records of human inhabitance. This encompasses neglected Native and Hispanic agrarian histories, and with them questions about current riparian rights and land uses.

Working with community members, anthropologists, and scientists, and doing research into historical documents, Howard Sandoval often creates scripted narratives that serve as voice-overs in video works that trace her laborious walking paths. Using film in experimental ways, she provides disorienting bodily perspectives that destabilize the norms of viewing, moving away from the photographic gaze and its extraction of images from place. Walking thus becomes an active form of knowledge creation. Her architectonic drawings in turn counteract the distanced aesthetics of cartography, creating forms of abstraction that incorporate human inhabitation and bodily agency.

Timelines for the Future presents a series of interrelated projects, made over a five-year period, with the aim of foregrounding the embodied-material-conceptual thinking unfolding in Howard Sandoval’s practice, and doing justice to her long-term artistic research. Rather than treating each artwork as a discrete object, the curatorial concept was to activate the architecture of Oregon Contemporary with large-scale video projections to create a landscape-like environment in which the viewer walks from place to place, conscious of how their body moving in space echoes that of the artist walking through the landscape. The exhibition thus speaks to viewers at an embodied level.

The exhibition’s trajectory passes through a series of four architectural spaces, starting with a corridor inhabited by CHANNEL – A Cartography of Thirst II (2019–21), an architectonic adobe sculpture that recalls the form and materials of ancient waterways. This new iteration of the work is overlaid with a mapping of the artist’s research, branching into divergent meanings of the word channel: as a physical waterway, a transmitter of light and sound, and a means of using the body as a medium. As viewers pass through it, the projected words fall onto their bodies, heightening awareness of their own presence.

This sculpture leads to CHANNEL (2017), an immersive three-channel video that envelops the viewer in a visual and sonic meditation on the relationship between water, language, and the survival of peoples. It thinks across the disappearance of ancient cultures like Babylon, and the stakes of threatened places and peoples in the present, finding common realities.

A further performance-based video work, Live Stream (2018), reinscribes disappeared migratory paths and waterways in and around the site of the Acequia Madre in Taos, New Mexico; drawing on the artist’s research into ancient (and still-existing) water democracies (acequias). (See transcript excerpt overleaf.) Filmed with a body cam, the video work sets out to deflect the surveillance-oriented nature of this technology to create an embodied portrait that foregrounds invisible and contested narratives of human inhabitation.

The nearby adobe-encrusted works on paper offer viewers a haptic sense of touching the land. The forms in these drawings correspond to passing moments in the video, recalling for example a handle on a man-made sluice being physically turned by the artist’s hands. In doing so, they forge an abstraction that makes space for place-making and for people. They become a placeholder for suppressed Native and Hispanic agrarian knowledge and its ecological stakes in the present, as well as invoking histories of presence and questions about contemporary rights to land and waterways.

The final room is one of the first public presentations of A wall is a shadow on the land (2020– ), a new project that deconstructs the story of Spanish missionization through the forms of its architecture; modularized constructions built on top of Indigenous sacred sites and architectures throughout the Pacific Coast, from South America to Alta California. A new set of large-scale drawings contemplate the relationship between colonial architecture and its apparatuses of control. In these drawings traditional Spanish arches return to form the inner contours of the corma, a wooden hobble chained around the legs of Native workers who defied the authority of the missionaries.

The surrounding archival installation, created especially for Timelines for the Future, speaks across the gaps between received colonial accounts and lived Native experience known to the artist through her ancestors’ experiences of the Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa and Mission Nuestra Señora de la Soledad.

Pages from the artist’s school history project on the missions, undertaken when she was a ten-year-old child being raised in California, are juxtaposed with notes by ethnologist and linguist J. P. Harrington (1884–1961), found colonial images, and Howard Sandoval’s sketches and photographs of architectural typologies and reconstituted colonial imagery. Walking us through the silences implicit in these neglected and suppressed histories, Howard Sandoval’s practice demands contemporary accountability, so that a timeline for a better future can be gleaned from the ecological and political realities of the present.

Lucy Cotter 2022


Lucy Cotter is a prolific writer; publishing art criticism, cultural criticism, art history, art theory, ficto-theory, poetry, exhibition, performance, cross-disciplinary texts, and catalogue essays. She seeks to create a more generative relationship between art making and writing.

She is the author of Reclaiming Artistic Research (Hatje Cantz, 2019, expanded 2nd ed. 2024), a book foregrounding the singular nature of artistic thinking in dialogue with acclaimed artists worldwide. She is a regular contributor to books on contemporary art by academic presses, and has published in catalogues and monographs on Haegue Yang, Rabih Mroué, Katarina Zdjelar, Brian Maguire, Manuela Infante, and Brian O’ Doherty, among other artists.

She is the editor of several exhibition catalogues, including Cinema Olanda: Wendelien Van Oldenborgh for the 57th Venice Biennale, and has guest-edited a number of art journals, including Third Text. Her work has appeared in Flash Art, Mousse, Artforum, Hyperallergic, Oregon Artswatch, CARA, Field Day, The Brooklyn Rail, Typishly, Cirque, and Frieze, among other journals.


  • Reclaiming Artistic Research: Expanded Second Edition

    Berlin: Hatje Cantz

    Expanding the original book with additional artist dialogues and a new essay, this edition explores the changing stakes of artistic research in a world reckoning with social justice, climate change, and the rise of artificial intelligence through a series of 24 in-depth dialogues with artists worldwide.

  • Reclaiming Artistic Research

    Berlin: Hatje Cantz

    In twenty conversations with leading artists worldwide, Lucy Cotter maps out an epistemology of artistic creation. She manifests a type of research that is dynamically engaged with other fields, but thinks beyond concepts into bodily and material knowledge that exceeds language, revolutionizing our perception of art from the ground up.


Books in Progress

Books Chapters & Essays

  • unraveling: practice-led curating

    Companion to Curatorial Futures

    Bridget Crone, Bassam el Baroni, Matthew Poole, eds.

    Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

    forthcoming 2025
  • Global Engagement and Modalities of Looking in the Work of Brian Maguire, Richard Mosse, and Yuri Pattison

    Routledge Companion to Irish Art

    Fionna Barber and Fintan Cullen, eds.

    London: Routledge

    forthcoming 2025
  • Haegue Yang: Day and Night

    Haegue Yang: The Great Forgetfulness

    Fergal Gaynor, ed.

    Cork: National Sculpture Factory

    forthcoming 2024
  • Delegitimizing the Continuum of Violence

    Brian Maguire: The Grand Illusion

    Dublin: The Hugh Lane National Gallery

  • Fact as Fiction: A Dialogue with Rabih Mroué

    Rabih Mroué: Interviews

    Nadim. Samman, ed.

    Berlin: Hatje Cantz

  • Theatre as Thinking, Art as Nonknowledge

    Manuela Infante: Estado Vegetal: Performance and Plant-Thinking

    Giovanni Aloi, ed.

    Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

  • The Warp and Weft of History

    Kristina Benjocki: The Warp and Weft of History

    Amsterdam: Looiersgracht 60

  • Braiding: Transgenerational Artistic Comradeship

    Katarina Zdjelar (monograph)

    Middlesborough: Institute of Modern Art & Teeside University

  • (tropisms) away from and towards the thing, it, she

    Natasha Pike (artist's book)

    Dublin: Arts Council

  • Beyond the Walls of National Identity: The Triangulation of Art Criticism, Curatorial Discourse, and Artistic Practice

    Irish Art 1920–2020: Perspectives on Change

    Yvonne Scott and Christine Kennedy, eds.

    Dublin: Royal Hibernian Academy

  • After a While, Reflectively: Performing an Ecology of Composition Practice (On Alison Isadora)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts

    Julien Bruneau, Nienke Scholts, Konstantina Georgelou, and Sher Doruff, eds.

    Amsterdam: DAS, University of the Arts

  • The Body as a Crease of Knowledge (On Mike O' Connor)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts

    Julien Bruneau, Nienke Scholts, Konstantina Georgelou, and Sher Doruff, eds.

    Amsterdam: DAS, University of the Arts

  • Preparing for Liquefaction (On Siegmar Zacharias)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts, eds. Julian Brumeau, Nienke Scholts et al. Amsterdam: DAS Publishing/Amsterdam University of the Arts

  • The Accidental Symbol: Performance as a Conduit (On Jennifer Lacey)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts

    Julien Bruneau, Nienke Scholts, Konstantina Georgelou, and Sher Doruff, eds.

    Amsterdam: DAS, University of the Arts

  • Between and Beyond the Dramaturgical (On Nienke Scholts)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts

    Julien Bruneau, Nienke Scholts, Konstantina Georgelou, and Sher Doruff, eds.

    Amsterdam: DAS, University of the Arts

  • Walking the Wrinkled Plane (On Gustavo Ciríaco)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts

    Julien Bruneau, Nienke Scholts, Konstantina Georgelou, and Sher Doruff, eds.

    Amsterdam: DAS, University of the Arts

  • The Space Beyond Boundaries (On Rosie Heinrich)

    Fieldings: Propositions for 3rd Cycle Education in the Performing Arts

    Julien Bruneau, Nienke Scholts, Konstantina Georgelou, and Sher Doruff, eds.

    Amsterdam: DAS, University of the Arts

  • Art Stars and Plasters on the Wounds: Why Have There Been No Great Irish Artists?

    Sources in Irish Art 2: A Reader

    Fintan Cullen and Róisín Kennedy, eds.

    Cork: Cork University Press

  • Unknowing Culture

    Persistent Traces of Things to Come

    Marjoca de Greef and Anastasija Pandilovska, eds.

    Amsterdam: Sun and Stars

  • Mercurial States: A Curatorial Reflection

    Art and Education/Classroom

  • Towards an autonomy of self, towards a community of self

    Katarina Zdjelar: Vladimir

    Lucerne: Centre of Contemporary Art

  • Cinema Olanda: Toward a Platform, Realized and Anticipated

    Blessing and Transgressing: A Live Institute

    Defne Ayas, ed.

    London: Cornerhouse

  • Cinema Olanda: Projecting the Netherlands

    Cinema Olanda: Wendelien van Oldenborgh, ed. Lucy Cotter, Berlin: Hatje Cantz, p. 11–21

  • Between the White Cube and the White Box: Aspen 5+6

    Brian O Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique, ed. Christa Maria Lerm Hayes. Amsterdam: Valiz

  • Between the White Cube and the White Box: Brian O’Doherty’s Aspen 5+6, An Early Exposition

    The Exposition of Artistic Research: Publishing Art in Academia

    Michael Schwab and Henk Borgdorff, eds.

    Leiden: Leiden University Press.

  • Close Listening: Katarina Zdjelar’s My lifetime (Malaika)

    Katarina Zdjelar: Of More Than One Voice

    Vitoria-Gasteiz: Artium Basque Museum-Centre of Contemporary Art

  • 180 Degrees: The University after Artistic Research

    Art Education: A Glossary

    Tom Vandeputte, ed.

    Amsterdam: Sandberg Institute

  • Libia Olafur: The Future of Hospitality

    Under Deconstruction: Icelandic Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale

    Ellen Blumenstein, ed.

    Berlin: Sternberg Press


The above contributions are selected from 2011–2024. A complete list from 2005–2024 is available on request.

Art Journals

  • TBA Review: FORCE! an opera in three acts

    Performance review, Oregon Arts Watch

    11 September 2024
  • Empathy and Eros: Ralph Pugay’s The Longest Journey

    Exhibition review, Oregon Arts Watch.

    11 December 2023
  • The Ingenious Multiplicity of Brian O’Doherty

    Tribute article, memorial publication,

    Brenda Moore-McCann, ed. The Brooklyn Rail.

    May 2023
  • The Weft of History: Kristina Benjocki at IKOB, Eupen

    Exhibition review, Metropolis M

    1 June 2022
  • Brian O’ Doherty, Paradigm-Shifting Artist Dies at 94

    Tribute article, Hyperallergic.

    9 November 2022
  • Disintegrating Language: Will Rawls’s “Amphigory”

    Exhibition Review, Oregon Arts Watch.

    23 November 2022
  • The Promise of “Opacity”: Takahiro Yamamoto’s Opacity of Performance at Portland Art Museum

    Performance review, Oregon Arts Watch

    24 June 2022
  • The Art of Zoom

    Essay: “The Art of Zoom”, republished, In the Pause of an Echo, There May Be A Shadow, online symposium publication.

  • The Art of Zoom

    Essay, RUUKU Journal for Artistic Research, Vol. 14

    6 August 2020
  • Wendelien van Oldenborgh at CA2M, Madrid

    Exhibition Preview, Artforum, Summer edition (print and digital).

  • The Exhibition after Time and Space: On Mario Garcia Torres’s Survey ‘Illusion brought Me Here’

    Essay, Mousse Magazine

    Spring 2019
  • Mia Habib, ALL – a physical poem of protest

    Performance review, Flash Art

    27 September 2019
  • Design as Relationality, Aesthetics as Agency (On dach&zephir)

    Essay, Sophie Krier, ed. Issue 4, Field Essays.

  • Plants as Other: Manuela Infante’s Estado Vegetal at Portland Institute of Contemporary Art

    Performance Review, Mousse Magazine

    17 May 2019
  • Beyond the White Cube: Sixty Years of Brian O’ Doherty’s Letters

    Book review, Frieze.

    25 February 2019
  • Rob Halverson, Enthusiastic-Remotest-Tree

    Exhibition review, Flash Art

    5 June 2019
  • An Intimate Dance of Objects: Gordon Hall

    Exhibition review, Mousse Magazine

    11 June 2019
  • Black Urban Choreography: NIC Kay’s Pushit!

    Performance Review, Mousse Magazine.

    26 October 2018
  • Research as Play: A Dialogue with Ryan Gander

    MaHKUscript Journal for Fine Art Research, Vol (3), Issue 1

  • Becoming the Archive: A Dialogue with Euridice Kala

    MaHKUscript Journal for Fine Art Research, Vol (3), Issue 1.

  • Knowledge as Production: A Dialogue with Liam Gillick

    MaHKUscript Journal for Fine Art Research, Vol (3), Issue 1

  • Beyond Language: A Dialogue with Falke Pisano

    MaHKUscript Journal for Fine Art Research, Vol (3), Issue 1.

  • Writing as Experiment: A Dialogue with Sher Doruff

    MaHKUscript Journal for Fine Art Research, Vol (3), Issue 1, 2018

  • Reclaiming Artistic Research… First Thoughts

    Introductory essay

  • Sound as Knowledge: A Dialogue with Samson Young

    MaHKUscript Journal for Fine Art Research, Vol (3), Issue 1


The above contributions are selected from 2017–2024 only. A list of earlier journal publications from 2003–2018 is available on request.

The keys of a computer are not entirely different than those of a piano. Fingers moving across a plane, producing sounds that are spoken or read. Tracing how material and embodied sensibilities can undermine the imposition of language; how words can act as placeholders for emerging subject positions and worldmaking. Embraced as a medium, writing aligns itself with the internal logic of art making.